
Renewal                                        Isaiah 40:28-31


Christmas is over, and as much as I like the season, I’m glad it’s over. It seemed like for weeks on end we were planning, decorating, going from one event to another, cooking, wrapping, mailing; we never seemed to get caught up. Now I can rest a bit and recharge.

Jesus came into the world and asks us to follow him and to live as he lived. He wants us to consider others, give up parts of ourselves to give to others, don’t take offence, don’t insult, reach out, lift up, and forgive, and forgive again, and again.

Christianity is a constant life effort. Christianity is work, a lot of work. Sometimes I feel like it’s a never-ending barrage trying to crack my resolve. Sometimes I just want a rest, I want to look to heaven and say, “I’m off duty.”

The Christian Standard Bible says in Isaiah 40:27, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my claim is ignored by God.” These feelings of “God, give me a break,” have been part of humans for as long as we walked the earth. So, what do we do when we feel this way? Some do nothing. They allow themselves to backslide.

Looking back into our country’s history, during the darkest days of our Civil War, Abraham Lincoln wrote, “Without Christ I cannot succeed. With Christ I cannot fail.” Today’s reading tells us pretty much the same thing. Isaiah tells us that no matter what we’re going through, no matter how tired we are, God is our renewal. God renews, but there are parts for us to play to feel that replenishment quicker and deeper.

Believe. Not just believe in God. Not just believe Jesus secures our salvation. Believe God is here, interested and involved with you and your life. Believe God has the power to create new circumstances. Believe God can refresh and invigorate your life; Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning.”

Praise. Praise God for his provisions to sustain and refresh you during difficult times, during exhausting times. When things are hard it’s easy to forget to praise God. But glorifying God during these dark times does several things for us. It keeps our connection with God strong. It reaffirms in us that God id there, listening and helping. It keeps our eyes focused on heaven even when we feel God and heaven are miles away from us. But don’t just praise God in private, talk about him and his work in your life. This will help open your eyes to all the little ways God is working. It will help to stop you from looking for a grand dramatic change and reveal to you all the little steps God is leading you through on your way to real change and renewal.

I have a friend who suffers from an addiction to alcohol, and not to over simplify it, he prayed “God, let me go the next 10 minutes without picking up a drink, the next 30 minutes. God, let me get through this meeting focused on what I’m being told and not on drinking.” Has he regressed, yes; but he keeps moving forward, keeps praising God. He has come to have great faith and he praises God to everyone, explaining that God is working a thousand small miracles in his life.

Renounce and relinquish. Renounce your hope in possessions. Renounce your trust in people changing your circumstances. Renounce your desire for more and more. My hope is in God and his peace, I cannot have that if I think peace will come from what I own. Changes in my life do not come from what other’s do, they come from my work; my work through prayer, my work on seeing those thousand small changes God creates.

We may pray for peace and the end of war and hate and prejudice. The reality is even if what is going on in the world now stops, men will pivot and start somewhere else. This isn’t meant to be pessimistic as such; 2 Timothy 3:1-2, “But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, ungrateful, unholy.” Continue to pray for peace, work for peace; but know your greatest influence is with yourself.

I cannot make someone else see things my way. I believe scripture tells me to be inclusive and accepting of others even when we believe or live differently. There are those who think I’m wrong. All I can do is stay true and relinquish my desire to make people see it my way. All I can do is rely on God to either open their heart, or to show me my error.

Peace only comes to me when I stop pushing and rely on the Holy Spirit. We must remember; remember our life before Christ. Remember our life before Jesus took residence in our heart. Remember that life was in constant motion, constant searches for peace or comfort in thing things, and not in the person of Christ.

Now when you face hardships, look inward and see Jesus looking back; Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” By remembering, we can reassure, reassure our hearts and minds with confidence in God. By remembering, when things go wrong, when we are dejected, we can be sure God is there and working. By remembering, we can be assured of God in our heart and spirit.

Two of the best ways to remember is to spend time in prayer, and in his Word. Prayer can be anytime; I’ve said before that a lot of my prayers happen when I’m driving to work.

And I think we’re lucky, we have the internet. When you feel down or discouraged, fearful or unsure; go to your computer or phone and type in “scriptures dealing with-----.” Read them, read them again, and if you don’t understand, ask for an explanation. There are all kinds of sites about scripture you can research through.

I find people can get discouraged if they have to search a Bible for helpful scripture. Google makes it easier. But once you find appropriate scripture, go to your Bible and read more than just the one line. It’s in this way you’ll recharge your spirit.

John 15:6, “If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers.” Without keeping Jesus center, without effort on our part, the weight Satan puts on our shoulders can become unbearable. To do God’s work in our lives, to be refreshed in spirit and mind, we must have Jesus at the center of our lives.  Recharge your spirit by using the tools God gave you, the tools of his Word.

Our readings verses 28-29, “He will not grow tired or weary…he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” In a world full of oppression, full of pain, full of hardship; God exists. To stand straight against Satan we must renounce and relinquish our hope in people and possessions. We must remember that God is within us and reassure ourselves of God’s divine power. We must open our eyes and hearts to see the small miracles God accomplishes in our lives every day. We must use the tools God has given us in the Bible.

Jesus has been born. The world has turned and been renewed. Use this time of Christmas as a time of personal renewal in God. Find ways to keep God close. Praise him, trust him, love him, and allow yourself to be loved by him.

Christianity is a daily choice to do as God asks, a thousand decisions a day to follow Christ. He never says it will be easy. At times we will be discouraged, beaten down and unsure. But God’s grace is new every day Your spirit’s renewal is every day. I pray you will feel this, and live this.

God bless you.














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