
Tabernacle                                      Hebrews 9:11-28


As you can see, we’re staying in Hebrews. Other than the Gospels, the Book to the Romans, which was written to believers, and the Book to the Hebrews, which is written to the Jewish people, give us the most information.

Hebrews chapter 9 verse 1-8 describe the Tabernacle, also known as the Tent of the Congregation. It was the portable earthly dwelling place of God. These verses also explain how once a year the high priest would enter this space and make a blood offering for the sins of the people.

The Tabernacle and the blood sacrifices handed down through Moses are only a shadow of the true tabernacle. Like all shadows, it can look like what it is a shadow of. And if you look hard enough, you might be able to discern what the reality of the shadow is. If you see my shadow on the wall you would be able to tell it was a shadow of a man. If you look hard enough, you might be able to see enough in its shape and size to say, “That’s Jim’s shadow.”

The earthly tabernacle was where God lived, it held the Ark with the mercy seat where the blood would be sprinkled, and over the Ark were the golden cherubim. This is the shadow of God’s throne room.

This is the place where the sins of the nation would be forgiven. The problem with a shadow is even the best sacrifice could not make the worshiper perfect in conscience. Remember we talked before about how the animal sacrifices could not truly remove sin from man’s heart, therefore he always lived with guilt and shame over disobeying God. And this guilt and shame are the fabric that makes up the curtain between man and God.

Verse 11, “But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here…” In those earlier verses the author explained that the old covenant was flawed so it was not God’s final plan for salvation. As promised in scripture God had a new plan, a new covenant that did not rely on the work of human priests and animal sacrifices. According to the author, that old covenant was designed to prove its own limitations. Jesus came to replace the earthly high priests with God as High Priest in order to replace the shadow with reality; the reality of the eternal forgiveness and redemption promised in scripture.

“…he went through the greater and perfect tabernacle not made with human hands…” As our high priest, Jesus did not do his work in a representation of God’s throne room, Jesus did his work before the throne and face of God Almighty himself.

Verse 12, “He did not enter by the blood of goats and calves…” The imperfect blood of animals could not stand before a holy God, it could not secure a clean heart for men.

“…but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood…” Animal blood could only enter the shadow of God. But Holy blood, the blood of the Word that became flesh,

This is capable of standing before the very throne of God as a pure and holy sacrifice for sin. And as the shadow could only remove man’s sins temporarily, Christ’s blood “obtained eternal redemption.”

The shadow lacked substance. A shadow is not permanent, shine a light on it and it disappears. Christ is solid, shine a light on him and he doesn’t disappear. He shines even brighter.

I find it interesting to note that the animals used in the sacrifices could not have any external blemishes on them. This is how they represented purity and sinlessness. Jesus had many blemishes for he was beaten, whipped, and nailed to a cross. But Jesus had no internal blemish, Jesus had no sin. This is why the blood of animals as we’re told in verse 13, “… (is) sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctifying them so they are outwardly clean.”

Jesus doesn’t just allow us to look clean to God, verse 14, “How much more then will the blood of Christ…offered unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death…” Our sins are not just covered up by the blood of Christ, they are permanently removed from us by the perfect blood of Christ.

We’ve often said we are forgiven by Jesus sacrifice, We’ve all seen movies and paintings of the crucifixion with a trickle of blood here and a trickle of blood there, but when we understand the horrific events of Good Friday, our love of Christ and our desire for God will rise to new heights.

Verse 14 again, “…so that we may serve the living God!” When we understand how hard the payment for our salvation is our hearts will turn our lives around and we will dedicate our very lives to God and to serving God.

My NIV Bible says verse 16 this way, “In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is only in effect when someone has died.” I like the King James Bible better, “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity, be a death…” In this passage the writer is explaining that a covenant between man and God is a “legal” contract between man and God, and that sacrifice, represented by blood, has always been necessary to confirm, secure, and seal the holy bond. Once again the author is demonstrating for his Jewish readers that the these components of the old covenant were meant as shadows of this new covenant.

For those who ascribe to “New Age” ideas of universal forgiveness or forgiveness by trying to live the best one can, we have verse 20; “…without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Without the shedding of blood; without belief, faith, and trust in Jesus and the cross there can be no redemption and forgiveness, there can be no salvation. In Romans 10 verse 9 Paul makes it even clearer, “If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”


Our scriptures verse 25, “Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again…”

Jesus is wholly man and wholly God. Jesus died an imperfect human death while maintaining God’s perfection. Thus, his sacrifice for man is as eternal as is God. If this were not true, then as verse 26 says, “…Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation…”

We may know Jesus came to earth once to release us from sin but how many men think the cross is not enough? How many teach that you must have faith in Christ, but you also have to tithe, you have to be baptized as an infant, you have to be baptized as an adult. How many teach you need to have faith, but you need to change this in your life too. You need to have faith and you need to do……to be saved.

Basically, that’s telling Jesus, I know you were whipped, I know you were nailed to a cross, but I don’t think that is enough. I think what I can do will add to what you did, make it better. Jesus, you didn’t do enough.

How arrogant are men who think they can add anything to what God did on the cross. Jesus is God. Jesus opens the way to salvation. Only Jesus work opens the gates of heaven.

Have belief and the Holy Spirit will come to you. Have faith and Jesus will wash away your sins, past, present, and future for all eternity. Have trust and God will open the gates of heaven.

Verse 28, “Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time…to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Be waiting at the tabernacle in your hearts for Jesus is there. And when he returns he will take us all back to heaven’s tabernacle with him.




















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